If you are in a rush to contact 3D Printing LEEDS then simply EMAIL US with your file(s) attachments or send a link for them via. OneDrive, DropBOX, WeTransfer…..
- Our minimum order is £75 ex.
- We require a CAD file supplied by you, which we need to test first.
- IF you do not have a CAD file we charge £75ph to CAD one.
- Batch-runs prove more economic.
New Idea’s usually require many iterations and days of work to proof and refine your idea. These are undertaken as Design Stages, one completing before the next Stage begins; Concept, Design, Proofing, #repeat, then Production…
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*3D Printing Leeds is a marketing name of the James Rothschild Partnership.
Providing 3D Printing Services for LEEDS LONDON MANCHESTER and SHEFFIELD and the UK