Our Simple Answer:
Every company charges based on their (or their equipments use) time. and materials.
Every 3D Item to print is different in its size, pieces, complexity, surface detail, finish.
We need a 3D File/Model of the item, if … Read the rest...
OUR Simple Answer:
We use the 3D file to calculate the time and amount of material it takes to 3D Printing an object.
Every objects is different.
The Technical Answer:
STL files are commonly used in 3D printing because they … Read the rest...
Our Simple Answer:
It’s a bit like icing a cake, or making a 3D jigsaw…
The object* is made up of Layers, like Geography…
Each layer of material is put down as an outline and then filled in, for every … Read the rest...
Our Simple Answer:
We discussed this over on the ‘Hobbyist Automotive 3D Scanning, Printing, and Design‘ Facebook Page. The best answer is from Jared Pritchard:
A scanner will only ever create a point cloud.
The point cloud … Read the rest...